Pretty long, huh! I always plan of posting a blog on my site every day and then after three days my plan changes to one post a week considering all the work I do and the lack of time to write something for this blog. Ultimately, I end up writing nothing for this site for like months. I so wonder when was the last time I wrote a post here. I probably don’t get motivated to write that easily until something real unusual hits me right on my head.

I so wonder why am I writing all this but here’s the thing, I was watching this movie The Host the other day and when I was about to go to sleep, I realized it had a lot more than just science fiction with the souls from other planets conquering the souls of humans and making earth on the whole a way better, peaceful and nice place to live in. One thing that I didn’t quite like about the idea was the fact that this whole transition of human bodies being taken up by souls from the outer world and making this Earth a perfect place kind of grabbed and killed the charm of living.

The world that we’re living in these days is full of competition; competition always comes with envy which results in jealousy and the story continues finally reaching to a state where we, the humans, kill each other. If you put a glimpse on the world around us, irrespective of the countries and the continents, this is how life is moving on everywhere. There are different levels though but the general feelings that make us humans are all the same. Lives are being deteriorated, relationships are buried, and the whole system that once, was said to create a balance in our lives, is toppling over.

On the other hand, if you just get rid of the element of competition from the life of a human, it will all be so meaning less. The communist states, for an instance, are the perfect example. Why would someone strive for a better life when they know their living standard has to saturate very soon and come to a point parallel to everyone else’s lifestyle? Wonder if that is a good thing because the communist states are way more harmonious then the capitalists’ ones. A classless, moneyless society; I am referring to the nature of the government and not the governments specifically so please don’t get me wrong as criticizing those governments. They’re doing great on their end. It is just my opinion about the way they govern.

Getting rid of competition doesn’t sound exciting at all. Getting rid of other elements of a human life isn’t exciting either. But we, as humans, can at least try to streamline our lives in a way that the competition and other humanly elements aren’t dangerous. Oh.. drop that, since I am sure that will also take away the excitement in living where it will be just love prevailing all across the world, peace all around. Who doesn’t like peace but sure, not at the cost of the excitement we get with all these humanly elements of life.

The human being, was set superior then all other creatures God created and no faith would have an issue with that. The point that really bugged me the other night, after watching that movie was, if we’re even trying to be humans. We were always given an option to let go of people around us and forgive them but are we even trying to do that often these days? The technological advancements have made us crazy enough to conquer everything that includes money, land and emotions/hearts (something that was not meant to be conquered). Winning and conquer are two different concepts so again, don’t try and interpret me wrong.

On the whole, we’re moving in a completely different direction then we were supposed to. People, feelings, relationships and lives on the whole have become worthless to us and money, power and authority is what we believe to be everything. I haven’t witnessed the times when there was none of this but it all sounds so perfect with everyone equal in terms of social status and the deeds setting up the competition amongst mankind. I am sure not a lot of people are going to read this post but at least I have written the clogged up ideas in my head on this virtual world.

Life to me is a lot simpler then it has been transformed into. Faiths to me are way too simpler then the scholars have converted them into. God, the eternal, the absolute is a lot closer to us then people explain Him to be. It is all a matter of your perception, of how you get things. All humans are born out of a clot so why are we even trying to be superficial from each other. Are we humans even? There are supposed to be no classes, no social divides if the definition of human I know is accurate. Contrary, we’re inhuman.

Message of the day: Live it large without exercising power and authority in any way and see what it has for you. Do take care of those, for whom, you’re something more than just a soul since the social barriers you take care of, are nothing but an illusion we, the humans, created to fool ourselves.

P.S: I don’t know if I missed the whole idea up and I wish I wrote this the other night before sleeping since back then, it was all a fresh battle running in my head.